Much like many of you answered the call when I put together Operation Fig Tree to complete my own Goudey base set, I need some more of you to answer this call. I'm doing my friend Brian a favor and asking if anyone out there has an extra Phil Hughes, Cristian Guzman, or Shairon Martis 2009 Goudey base card laying around out there.
Now, don't everyone rush at once to trade off your prized Guzman and Martis cards. I want an orderly line at the front door of the blog. And to be truthful I could stand to trade for 2 copies of each of these cards.
I've got a bunch of Topps U&H cards from this year listed within my trade area that someone may be interested in. Also up for grabs are any of the T206s I've either posted or will post in the coming days. Otherwise we can go the PTBNL route.
Your help and attention to this matter are greatly appreciated.