Sunday, September 5, 2010

Can You Solve It?

That's right, I've got no shame. I'm back to self promote. But before I do, I wanted to promote someone else first:

Way Off Base is a blog I hadn't come across before running my contest. Always great to come across new people with like interests, even if they are Cardinals fans.

So again, I'll ask Can You Solve It?. All those questions marks in the right nav bar link you straight in as well.

Even if you can't I'd be forever grateful for the free press, plus Way Off Base needs a little more competition since they've already declared they'll be the ones winning and solving the puzzle.

Even if you don't want to attempt to solve it, you can always enter to win the prize should no one else succeed. See the contest post for details. Good luck!


  1. I'm working on it....and beating my head against the wall in the process. I'll get a post up about it too!

  2. I'll save you a lot of trouble. I'm cracking this code, so don't bother putting a lot of effort into this. :)
